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Novel Strategies to FigHt Child Sexual Exploitation and Human TRafficking Crimes and PrOtect thEir VictimS


Novel Strategies to FigHt Child Sexual Exploitation and Human TRafficking Crimes and PrOtect thEir VictimS


Victims Impact

At the moment it is possible to find different organisations that are supporting victims of THB and CSA/CSE, but all of these efforts are not giving the maximum results expected because the connection between relevant stakeholders is not enough. Hence, the HEROES project will promote cooperation and connection between main parties involved, by means of developing an integral and transversal system that is victim-centred, thereby reducing secondary victimisation that victims can be subjected to when in contact with LEAs.

Citizens Impact

Social impact is of utmost importance for HEROES project. It will empower citizens to address the threats of THB and CSA/CSE. It will also increase the European community's perception of security. Citizens will be more directly involved in service delivery in their communities and feel that the process of working with LEAs increases their sense of empowerment. Citizens will observe an improved perception of safety when experiencing the identification of the authors of cyber-attacks. The HEROES project will lead to increase confidence and trust in the police.

Social workers Impact

In recent times, there is the rise of THB and CSA/CSE which has led to an increase in NGO involvement to prevent it. Activities of NGOs range from comprehensive campaigns against these crimes to the creation of shelters for victims. They cooperate with other international organisations to gather funding. As a result, they play an integral role in working to prevent and ultimately reduce these crimes. NGOs are fundamental in alerting the community to THB and CSA/CSE practices that occur within the country and globally.


Victims Impact

At the moment it is possible to find different organisations that are supporting victims of THB and CSA/CSE, but all of these efforts are not giving the maximum results expected because the connection between relevant stakeholders is not enough. Hence, the HEROES project will promote cooperation and connection between main parties involved, by means of developing an integral and transversal system that is victim-centred, thereby reducing secondary victimisation that victims can be subjected to when in contact with LEAs.

Citizens Impact

Social impact is of utmost importance for HEROES project. It will empower citizens to address the threats of THB and CSA/CSE. It will also increase the European community's perception of security. Citizens will be more directly involved in service delivery in their communities and feel that the process of working with LEAs increases their sense of empowerment. Citizens will observe an improved perception of safety when experiencing the identification of the authors of cyber-attacks. The HEROES project will lead to increase confidence and trust in the police.

Social workers Impact

In recent times, there is the rise of THB and CSA/CSE which has led to an increase in NGO involvement to prevent it. Activities of NGOs range from comprehensive campaigns against these crimes to the creation of shelters for victims. They cooperate with other international organisations to gather funding. As a result, they play an integral role in working to prevent and ultimately reduce these crimes. NGOs are fundamental in alerting the community to THB and CSA/CSE practices that occur within the country and globally.